AI-Driven Sustainability for Baltic Sea Conservation

Our solution offers real-time monitoring of Baltic Sea fish populations using AI, IoT, and robotics. Marine biologists receive accurate data and predictive analytics to support sustainable fishing pr actices. Immersive VR experiences and a collaborative platform enhance research and conservation efforts, ensuring healthier marine ecosystems.

Step 1: User Persona Description

Name: Laura Eriksson

Age: 34

Occupation: Marine Biologist and Researcher

Location: Helsinki, Finland


  • Environmental conservation
  • Sustainable fishing practices
  • Marine ecosystems

Need: Laura is deeply concerned about the sustainability of the Baltic Sea, especially regarding fish populations. She needs an effective way to monitor and analyze the health of the fish and their habitats to ensure sustainable fishing practices.

Step 2: User Journey

Objective: Ensure sustainable fishing practices in the Baltic Sea using real-time data and advanced technology.

  1. Awareness:
    • Laura receives information about a new innovative solution that integrates AI, IoT, and robotics to monitor the Baltic Sea.
    • She attends a webinar showcasing the technology's capabilities and its impact on sustainable fishing.
  2. Consideration:
    • Laura visits the solution's website, where she finds detailed information about the system's features, including real-time fish population monitoring, habitat analysis, and predictive analytics.
    • She reads case studies and reviews from other marine biologists who have successfully used the system.
  3. Decision:
    • Laura decides to adopt the solution for her research. She signs up for a subscription and schedules a consultation to tailor the system to her specific needs.
  4. Implementation:
    • A team installs underwater drones equipped with sensors and cameras in selected areas of the Baltic Sea.
    • The drones collect data on fish populations, water quality, and habitat conditions, sending real-time updates to Laura's dashboard.
  5. Usage:
    • Laura uses the AI-powered dashboard to analyze data, track fish migration patterns, and assess the impact of fishing activities.
    • She receives alerts and recommendations for optimal fishing times and locations to minimize ecological disruption.
  6. Unexpected Delight:
    • The system includes a feature where VR simulations allow Laura to virtually explore underwater environments, providing an immersive experience to better understand the marine ecosystem.
    • The solution also offers a community platform where Laura can collaborate with other researchers, share insights, and co-develop conservation strategies.
  7. Evaluation:
    • Laura measures the impact of the technology on fish populations and habitat health over time.
    • She publishes her findings, demonstrating the positive effects of the innovative solution on sustainable fishing practices in the Baltic Sea.

Step 3: Developer Analysis (API Consumer)


  • Difficulty in finding reliable APIs for real-time marine data.
  • Ensuring data accuracy and integration from multiple sources (drones, sensors, etc.).
  • Managing data privacy and security.
  • High costs associated with advanced technology and equipment.


  • Access to comprehensive and accurate marine data.
  • Improved data-driven decision-making for sustainable practices.
  • Enhanced collaboration with other researchers through shared platforms.
  • Increased credibility and impact of research findings.

Step 4: Solution Provider (API Provider)

Pains to Address:

  • Data Integration: Develop APIs that seamlessly integrate data from various sources (drones, sensors, satellite).
  • Accuracy and Reliability: Ensure high accuracy and reliability of data provided through robust algorithms and machine learning models.
  • Security: Implement strong data security measures, including encryption and secure access controls.

Gains to Provide:

  • Comprehensive API Suite: Offer a suite of APIs that provide real-time data on fish populations, water quality, and habitat conditions.
  • AI-Powered Insights: Integrate AI and machine learning for predictive analytics and actionable insights.
  • Collaborative Platform: Create APIs that enable data sharing and collaboration among researchers.
  • Cost Efficiency: Provide scalable solutions to reduce costs, including subscription models and usage-based pricing.

Step 5: Business Model Canvas

Key Partners:

  • Marine research institutions
  • Environmental NGOs
  • Technology providers (drone manufacturers, AI companies)
  • Government agencies

Key Activities:

  • Developing and maintaining APIs
  • Ensuring data accuracy and security
  • Providing customer support and training
  • Collaborating with partners for continuous improvement

Key Resources:

  • Advanced technology (drones, sensors, AI models)
  • Skilled development team
  • Strong partnerships with research and environmental organizations
  • Secure and scalable cloud infrastructure

Value Propositions:

  • Real-time, accurate monitoring of fish populations and habitats
  • AI-powered predictive analytics for sustainable fishing practices
  • Immersive VR experiences for deeper understanding of marine ecosystems
  • Collaborative platform for research and data sharing

Customer Relationships:

  • Dedicated account managers
  • Online support and resources
  • Regular updates and webinars
  • Community platform for user collaboration


  • Website and online platform
  • Webinars and conferences
  • Partnerships with research institutions and NGOs
  • Social media and environmental forums

Customer Segments:

  • Marine biologists and researchers
  • Environmental NGOs
  • Government agencies focused on marine conservation
  • Sustainable fishing companies

Cost Structure:

  • Development and maintenance of technology and APIs
  • Data storage and cloud services
  • Marketing and customer acquisition
  • Research and development for continuous improvement

Revenue Streams:

  • Subscription fees for access to APIs and platform
  • Usage-based pricing for data and analytics services
  • Licensing fees for technology integration
  • Grants and funding from environmental organizations and government agencies

This comprehensive approach ensures that Laura and other users have access to the tools and data they need to promote sustainable fishing practices in the Baltic Sea, leveraging cutting-edge technology to make a positive impact on marine conservation.