Your Green Travel Guide to the Baltic Sea

Discover the "Sustainable Baltic Explorer" app, your go-to platform for eco-friendly travel around the Baltic Sea. With real-time environmental data, AI-driven recommendations, and gamified rewards for sustainableactions, plan and enjoy guilt-free adventures while contributing to marine conservation. Travel smart, travel green,  with Sustainable Baltic Explorer.

Step 1: User Persona Description

Persona Name: Alex Johnson

Age: 32

Occupation: Environmental Scientist and Travel Enthusiast

Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Needs and Interests:

  • Passionate about environmental conservation and sustainable travel.
  • Loves exploring natural beauty, especially marine environments.
  • Interested in leveraging technology to promote eco-friendly practices.
  • Frequently travels around the Baltic Sea for both work and leisure.
  • Seeks real-time data on environmental conditions to plan sustainable trips.

Step 2: User Journey

Objective: Provide Alex with a seamless and sustainable travel experience around the Baltic Sea using cutting-edge technology.

  1. Discovery Phase:
    • Need: Alex wants to plan a weekend trip around the Baltic Sea, ensuring minimal environmental impact.
    • Solution: Alex uses the "Sustainable Baltic Explorer" app, which integrates real-time environmental data and AI recommendations for eco-friendly travel.
  2. Planning Phase:
    • Need: Alex needs detailed information on water quality, weather conditions, and sustainable travel options.
    • Solution: The app provides a user-friendly interface that displays real-time data on water quality, weather forecasts, and pollution levels using IoT sensors and supercomputing for predictive analytics.
  3. Booking Phase:
    • Need: Alex wants to book eco-friendly accommodations and activities.
    • Solution: The app recommends eco-certified hotels, restaurants, and activities. It also offers booking options directly through the platform, ensuring all choices are sustainable.
  4. Travel Phase:
    • Need: Alex needs continuous updates on environmental conditions and sustainable tips while traveling.
    • Solution: The app provides real-time notifications about environmental conditions, suggests less crowded and cleaner areas, and offers tips on reducing carbon footprint.
  5. Experience Phase:
    • Need: Alex wants to engage in sustainable practices during the trip.
    • Solution: The app features a gamified experience where Alex earns rewards for sustainable actions, such as choosing public transport, participating in beach clean-ups, and minimizing waste.
  6. Feedback Phase:
    • Need: Alex wants to share experiences and contribute to the app's data.
    • Solution: Alex can upload photos, report pollution, and share reviews of eco-friendly places, contributing to a community-driven database.

Step 3: Analysis as a Software Developer


  • Integration Complexity: Combining various APIs (weather, water quality, pollution, booking platforms) can be complex.
  • Data Accuracy: Ensuring the real-time data is accurate and reliable.
  • User Interface: Designing a user-friendly and intuitive interface that effectively presents complex data.
  • Security: Ensuring user data and transaction security.


  • Comprehensive Solution: Offering a unique app that combines sustainability with travel.
  • User Engagement: High user engagement through gamification and community contributions.
  • Positive Impact: Contributing to environmental conservation and awareness.

Step 4: Solution Provider Approach

Existing APIs to Utilize:

  • Weather Data APIs: OpenWeatherMap, Weatherstack
  • Water Quality APIs: USGS Water Services, BlueLeg Monitor
  • Pollution Data APIs: AirVisual, OpenAQ
  • Travel Booking APIs:, Skyscanner
  • Sustainable Travel Tips APIs:, Green Key Global

New API Candidates:

  • Real-Time Marine Data API: Custom API integrating IoT sensor data from various points around the Baltic Sea.
  • Eco-Friendly Certification API: Database API providing information on eco-certified accommodations and activities.

Step 5: Business Model Canvas

Key Partners:

  • Environmental agencies and NGOs
  • IoT sensor manufacturers
  • Travel and booking platforms
  • Sustainable certification organizations

Key Activities:

  • Data integration and analysis
  • App development and maintenance
  • Partnerships with eco-friendly businesses
  • Marketing and user acquisition

Key Resources:

  • Access to real-time environmental data
  • AI and supercomputing resources
  • Development team
  • Marketing team

Value Proposition:

  • Real-time environmental data for sustainable travel
  • Comprehensive and user-friendly app experience
  • Gamified rewards for eco-friendly actions
  • Community-driven data and reviews

Customer Relationships:

  • Personalized recommendations
  • Community engagement features
  • Continuous feedback loop


  • Mobile app stores
  • Environmental and travel websites
  • Social media and influencer partnerships

Customer Segments:

  • Eco-conscious travelers
  • Environmental enthusiasts
  • Travel agencies and tour operators

Cost Structure:

  • Development and maintenance costs
  • API subscription fees
  • Marketing and partnership costs

Revenue Streams:

  • Premium subscriptions for advanced features
  • Commissions from travel bookings
  • Sponsored listings from eco-friendly businesses

By implementing this solution, Alex and other users will benefit from a seamless, informed, and sustainable travel experience around the Baltic Sea, while contributing positively to environmental conservation efforts.