Let's chart a new course for the Baltic Sea with innovative API-driven solutions.

A change of tides, perhaps?

At Osaango, we understand that every business is unique. That's why our Smart Change Map framework offers flexible paths to suit your specific needs. As an example, we've joined the summer 2024 challenge with Baltic Sea Action Group to donate and help save the Baltic Sea environment.

As helping organizations find new ideas, and develop APIs and business models, we thought we'd take the challenge even further: finding the right problems and solutions. Help us do that by trying out a prototype of our AI-assisted idea tool that we demo at APIDAYS Helsinki & North 2024.

Scroll down to generate your own or check examples. Or see all current ideas generated here

See solution ideas created by others and try generating your own!

P.s. To see your generated ideas click on one of the featured items. Yes, it's a bit weird, but this an example a poor integration experience with a not-so-optimal API.
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Featured ideas with full examples - click to see all ideas

Discover Your Path

At Osaango, we understand that every business is unique. That's why our Smart Change Map framework offers flexible paths to suit your specific needs. Here's how you can engage with us to create and implement your personalized roadmap:

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